A recent poll on this site asked readers what they thought was the best way to improve their local public schools. The most popular answers included: maintaining adequate class sizes, providing a diverse curriculum, and ensuring that highly qualified/certified teacher and support staffs are employed by local districts.
One answer got ZERO support - NO ONE thinks that bashing teachers, support staff, and the MEA is a way to improve public schools. But that is exactly what Kyle Olson, the Education Action Guy, does. He butts into local public school issues with his anti-public school rhetoric, even when local teachers and school boards tell him they don't need nor want him (http://eagtruth.blogspot.com/2008/07/kyle-is-butting-in-again.html).
He somehow believes that demeaning teachers and support staff for working to improve their schools will help.
If you believe otherwise, join the growing list of supporters of EAGTruth at the EAGTruth.com website.